Sunday, May 3, 2009

Back to normal--sort of

Finally a Sunday without rain. Back to soccer games. Here's Rauan and Chewie. I'm so proud of Chewie--he completely spelled his name--Alihan and he knows the home phone number. While this may seem like a small thing--considering he's only be able to hear just about 4 months now--I'm pretty impressed. Rauan--well he's just incredible. We bought him a new bike this weekend--without training wheels. The deal was for when he was 6. Now--where can I buy all that extra padding for him??? Julia was bummed that she couldn't play soccer today. She's actually back to 90% of her activity level and she's been working hard all weekend to catch up on her homework. Right now she sounds like she's super stuffed up--so she fits in with the rest of us in allergy season. Alot of snot. I won't let her blow her nose, so her nose and lip are chapped. A little bit of stitching on her nostril too--that should be gone in the next couple of days. We were going to go see Hannah Montana while the boys were at soccer--but decided to wait until Friday night and take a friend with--the weather was just too nice to be inside. Julia got to see her friends and I got to finally met baby Mia--home from Ethiopia a month or so now. She's a cutie!

So, back to school tomorrow. I'll be dropping off a lunch for Julia at the same time I pick Rauan up. Tomorrow we're having a couple of windows replaced. I've waited and saved a long time for those--so I can't wait to see how they look!

1 comment:

Mala said...

Yay for Chewie!!!!!!
Goodness, your kids are just TOO cute!!!!!!!