Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm bummed

Majorly. I've always had crappy teeth. So, deal with it. Which I have done for years and years. Wore the nasty braces--big help. My teeth moved back out. Dealt with that. Multiple fillings. Yipeee. Dealt with that. Talked about doing the braces again then found out the cost--hell no!!! I have kids that have major ortho needs--they come first. Had a crown place on a tooth long time ago--that kept falling off and falling. Big pain in the rump. Ok so now it's staying on but for the last 6 weeks or so, it's been hurting. I don't have time to go to the dentist in Janesville. So, found a reputable dentist here. Get in and he's checking around and the camera is showing(which I can see) cracks--yes multiple cracks in multiple teeth. He asks, are you stressed. Ummm yeah--3 small children, 2 high stress jobs, filthy house and very little sleep--yeah I would say I'm stressed and no that isn't about to change anytime soon. Well, the thought is the crown pushed the teeth--totally throwing my bite off. I'm clenching and grinding (one night that did wake Ted up and it usually takes a bomb to wake him up). Plus the crown crowded into the tooth in front of it causing some serious decay. So, it probably isn't the crown, it's the tooth in front. So, first a filling then the major repair work starts. Crowns, bite analysis and so on. I already told him--limits. Do what has to be done and that's it. I'll deal with the overbite etc. Shit. Shit shit shit. When will this never ending drama stop? I just want a normal simple life with a reasonably clean house and 8 hours of sleep. Just a normal life.


Lisa said...

Oh JP! That sucks. Hang in there. It'll all work out eventually.

Anonymous said...

Normal life, what's that? Don't ever fool yourself into thinking that is even possible!

emily said...

ouch. ok. i'm not sure how much it will help at this point, however i think some e & j one-on-one time (over an alcoholic beverage... because i think this one needs a little alcohol...) is FAR overdue. sorry. :(

Hilary Marquis said...

Ouchy! Sorry 'bout the bad news. I hate dental work, and I've had very minimal stuff done.

Maria said...

"When will this never ending drama stop? I just want a normal simple life with a reasonably clean house and 8 hours of sleep. Just a normal life."


Maria said...

Oh, and sorry about the dental stuff, too! *smile* -- ooh, that was "punny" wasn't it?

Mala said...

Ugh! I feel for you! I hate dental issues. They're NEVER good and ALWAYS painful and costly. Oh that stinks!