Thursday, July 30, 2009

Roll Call

Ok, maybe it just me having to know everything--but I see visitors from the wildest places. And repeat vistors at that! I'd just like some idea of who is visiting. Hey, maybe someone would like to know something more specific about adoption or clefting--I would love to know what people think, their particular interests, etc. So, drop a line please!


Betsy said...

Hi Janiece - I have read and enjoyed your blog for quite some time now from Temple, TX. Our son Caleb came home from Kyrgyzstan in October 2008.

I'd be more than happy to send you an invite to our blog (private) if you are interested since I've been keeping up with your family all this time!!

Thanks for sharing your experience & sense of humor with all of us.

janiece said...

Yes Betsy--I would love an invite!

Shannon said...

You know me and you know where I live! ;)

Betsy - I followed your blog all last year and was so bummed when you stopped posting on it. I'd love to catch up with your story!

Marcia said...

Hello Janiece,
Here's my "roll call" post and greetings from nearby Lake Mills. I am enjoying following along on your family's adventures, and am so very happy for you and the blessing of your three beautiful, very happy children!
Marcia K.
Mommy to Sara Marina (age 6) and Kate (age 3), each adopted as infants from Taraz, Kazakhstan

Mala said...

Stalking you from New Hampshire!

Good luck on your de-lurking. It drives me buggy when I can't figure out who's visiting. I have a frequent visiter from Ireland that I can't coax out of the woodwork!

J-momma said...

i'm always checking in on your blog, from CT.