Thursday, July 2, 2009

Life with boys

At noon yesterday I bought 2 gallons of milk. I went to work. Today, at lunch time I went to get milk for the kids and found only 1 gallon left --only a quarter full. Sigh. If its like this now--what am I going to have when they are teenagers????


Julie and John Wright said...

The problem is that you have one of those refrigerators that runs on milk !

Elizabeth and Bill said...

Buy a cow? =)

Hilary Marquis said...

I am trying to decide if we should buy a cow for meat or for milk!

Maria said...

Holy cow! Ha-- couldn't resist. Ellie slurps through her own gallon every 3-4 days and the other three of us go through about the same, but oy! that's a lot of milk you guys are going through.