As you can probably guess this is going to be another venting session--so stop here if you don't want to hear about it.
This morning started off crappy to say the least. I'm fighting to get the wireless straightened out--and I'm the first to admit I'm not tech savvy. Some kind person decided that honking their horn before 6 in the morning was a good thing. I brought the milk in from the cooler and one of the milk bottles broke--whole bottle of fresh milk all over. Stepped in cat puke in my bare feet, Ted forgot his ID badge and I had to take it to him--all while getting my slow slow slow children ready for school. Normal day in paradise, right? Get home, settle in with a fresh cup of coffee and get ready to fight the wireless AGAIN! So what's the first thing I see--apparently a mom from school decided that our teacher isn't smart enough to do anything and wrote her an email that her daughter said my daughter spit on her--and had she contacted me about it yet. Pardon me here while my eyes roll. First of all--we pay for this school--I certainly trust the teacher's judgement. If she needs to call me--she knows how to get me asap. Second of all, mom--you have my phone number and email address--don't you think you can contact me without adding to the teacher's burden--this is a parental issue that should be discussed between two ADULT parents. Third of all, remember there is always two sides to every story. Your daughter isn't an angel--but me being an educated, responsible adult--works with my daughter so she can learn to solve the problems. After all, I'm not always going to be there. Fourth, these are 7 year old girls--they do stupid things. Please refer to my previous comment--educate so they can learn to think for themselves.
Ok, mom--I know you have your own concerns. But you are educated--highly educated I might add. You know what elementary school children are like. What would you think if a parent keep coming to you with every single little thing? Yeah I thought so. I know you are worried about germs and infections--rightly so, I might add. Remember what I do for a living? I've seen what can happen. That's why I vaccinate my children and teach them hand-washing, coughing into their sleeve, etc. Also, refer back a couple of my posts--I'm pretty worried too. Healthy 7 year old children don't get shingles. If you are that concerned about germs--I suggest you home school. Of course, you can be walking through the grocery store and someone can sneeze. Again--proper precautions.
So, mom, relax. Let your child be a child and help her figure things out--instead of her running to you all the time to figure stuff out. Breath a little bit for goodness sake. This too shall pass.
Oh and by the way--Julia doesn't spit. If it was Rauan--yeah possible. But my daughter is kind of a weird one in that way. She's had enough dental issues that spitting is almost impossible. Drooling yes. Spitting no.