One year ago today--just about this time--I was driving to the airport to pick up Ted and Chewie. One year ago today, our family of 4 became a family of 5. Complete. I can hardly believe that it's been one year. So much has happened. It's amazing.
We've decided instead of celebrating multiple Gotcha Days, we're going to do a "Complete family" celebration. Ted says we're done (sigh). We're a little limited to what we're going to do--as always rolling with the changes. Miss Julia tests (the ones I made the doctor run because I said something just isn't right) were positive for strep. Although right now she sure isn't acting ill at all. Sometimes the body just fights stuff off and Lord knows she has one of the stronger immune systems. So, we'll see. At this point, I don't think the children realize any significance to the date. We've mentioned "oh this is the day you came home -- years ago" and the usual response is a blank stare. To them it just isn't a big deal. To me, though, when in 2002 I was told there would be no children--and now in 2009 when I look in my backyard and see 3 running around like little maniacs--and realize they are all mine--WOW!
i love it. a complete family celebration. they are yours, indeed.
Happy Family Day! It was a year on this day also we brought Phoebe home:) I would say we are done at this point, even though I had always wanted 4 kids...
Yeah, it snowed on Palm Sunday, MN isn't any better for spring...
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