I'm in copying hell. There is simply no other way to describe it. And inbetween copies, I'm emailing my manager back and forth regarding schedules--because, let's face it--I really am a type A obsessive personality. Yes, Ted has mellowed me somewhat, but stress brings out certain characteristics. I have all the dossier paperwork in order, the reference paperwork from Kids to Adopt, numbers and information to choke a horse and schedules for everyone. Who ever knew once there were two children at home that this much extra paperwork would be involved. I can't imagine what the schedules will be like when they are older!
I've also been in shopping hell--and anyone who has gone to the mall and/or Wal-Mart on a weekend knows exactly what I am talking about. And of course after I've been home--I remember one more thing I need. To the Dollar Store tomorrow for bubbles.
I'm also in the midst of laundry hell (who knew 2 kids could go through so many clothes in a few days) and house cleaning hell. Refer to up above--I really don't like the idea of leaving a dirty house or the kid's without lots and lots of clean laundry.
After this--I KNOW I will sleep on the plane. Not necessarily a bad thing.
Now, about that drink that mommy needs.........
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